Reflection on the Workshop Experience

Workshop - Free of Charge Creative Commons Chalkboard image

Hello everyone and welcome and it is hard to believe that this is going to be my final blog post of the semester. The dust has settled on our enterprise applications workshop and I am writing this blog a week later. In reflection, it was an experience to say the least. There was a lot of work involved in putting on this workshop and I have to commend my friends and team members for how hard they all worked on this workshop. There was some stressful moments but we pulled through them together and we were all very happy with how our workshop went. In the end I really enjoyed the workshop but I think I enjoyed it more because I know how much work we all put into this and to see it go how we all wanted it to put a smile on all of our faces. 

We also faced adversity and pressure of being the first group up to do the workshop and we did not have the benefit of seeing other peoples workshops and what worked well and what didn't and I think we handles that situation very well. 

Following our workshop being over I was able to sit back, relax and enjoy the other workshops with peace of mind. I have to say that they were all of a very good standard, but one in particular I found very funny with how they incorporated humour into the workshop and I have to say it worked very well and I really enjoyed it. I am writing this on Monday the 4th of December and I know there are a couple more workshops to come tomorrow but I have to say from the ones I have seen so far everyone has made a great effort and made it a fun experience for all of us participating in the workshops.

Here is a quick video to help you if you are considering putting on a workshop yourself:

I guess this is goodbye for now, I hope you enjoyed my blog posts over this semester and I hope all you readers have a great Christmas.

Best wishes,


How Enterprise Applications Unlock Newer Possibilities For Businesses ...


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